C h a r l e s  A l b a n e s e  FAIA

Professor Emeritus Charles Albanese: former Dean of the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture with the University of Arizona. He is a Fellow in the A.I.A., and a practicing Architect registered in Arizona.

For 36 years, Chuck has served the College both as a faculty member and administrative leader, and he brings to the College, University, and Tucson communities a conspicuous and passionate devotion to faculty, staff, students, alumni, and professional partners in architecture and landscape architecture. He also brings the deep and informed substance of vision, ideas, and activities aimed to enhance the College and its mission objectives within the context of the entire University.

Chuck Albanese joined the faculty in 1967 after completing his undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Illinois. He and his wife Claire traveled in Europe for a year on a Ryerson Fellowship before arriving in Tucson for a “short” experience in teaching. That year shaped his life and career, and he has been part of this community ever since.

Chuck taught at every studio level during his time on the faculty but loved the combination of teaching drawing at the freshman level and coordinating the senior capstone design semester best. He taught programming, housing systems, collaborative design studio with Landscape Architecture and Architecture, and interdisciplinary studies in behavioral applications to design.

Chuck developed a Summer travel abroad program in Greece and Italy and, with his wife Claire, traveled in Europe with students during the summer for over fifteen years. He served as Associate Dean for his last three years on the faculty before retiring in 2002. As Dean, he promised that his service will be intense, productive, rewarding for students and faculty, and inclusive to all who are part of our history. He kept that promise to us. The College is in his debt and has greatly benefitted from his presence these past five years.

Chuck has participated on several past Tejido projects - most of these were commissioned by Pima Co. Board of Supervisors and were focused on downtown Tucson urban redevelopment and revitalization master planning. We look forward to working with him more in the near future now that he has retired from his duties as Dean of the College.